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var _event = require("../core/event");
var addEventListener = _event.addEventListener;
var removeEventListener = _event.removeEventListener;
var normalizeEvent = _event.normalizeEvent;
var getNativeEvent = _event.getNativeEvent;
var zrUtil = require("../core/util");
var Eventful = require("../mixin/Eventful");
var env = require("../core/env");
/* global document */
var globalEventSupported = env.domSupported;
var localNativeListenerNames = function () {
var mouseHandlerNames = ['click', 'dblclick', 'mousewheel', 'mouseout', 'mouseup', 'mousedown', 'mousemove', 'contextmenu'];
var touchHandlerNames = ['touchstart', 'touchend', 'touchmove'];
var pointerEventNameMap = {
pointerdown: 1,
pointerup: 1,
pointermove: 1,
pointerout: 1
var pointerHandlerNames = zrUtil.map(mouseHandlerNames, function (name) {
var nm = name.replace('mouse', 'pointer');
return pointerEventNameMap.hasOwnProperty(nm) ? nm : name;
return {
mouse: mouseHandlerNames,
touch: touchHandlerNames,
pointer: pointerHandlerNames
var globalNativeListenerNames = {
mouse: ['mousemove', 'mouseup'],
pointer: ['pointermove', 'pointerup']
function eventNameFix(name) {
return name === 'mousewheel' && env.browser.firefox ? 'DOMMouseScroll' : name;
function isPointerFromTouch(event) {
var pointerType = event.pointerType;
return pointerType === 'pen' || pointerType === 'touch';
} // function useMSGuesture(handlerProxy, event) {
// return isPointerFromTouch(event) && !!handlerProxy._msGesture;
// }
// function onMSGestureChange(proxy, event) {
// if (event.translationX || event.translationY) {
// // mousemove is carried by MSGesture to reduce the sensitivity.
// proxy.handler.dispatchToElement(event.target, 'mousemove', event);
// }
// if (event.scale !== 1) {
// event.pinchX = event.offsetX;
// event.pinchY = event.offsetY;
// event.pinchScale = event.scale;
// proxy.handler.dispatchToElement(event.target, 'pinch', event);
// }
// }
* Prevent mouse event from being dispatched after Touch Events action
* @see <https://github.com/deltakosh/handjs/blob/master/src/hand.base.js>
* 1. Mobile browsers dispatch mouse events 300ms after touchend.
* 2. Chrome for Android dispatch mousedown for long-touch about 650ms
* Result: Blocking Mouse Events for 700ms.
* @param {DOMHandlerScope} scope
function setTouchTimer(scope) {
scope.touching = true;
if (scope.touchTimer != null) {
scope.touchTimer = null;
scope.touchTimer = setTimeout(function () {
scope.touching = false;
scope.touchTimer = null;
}, 700);
} // Mark touch, which is useful in distinguish touch and
// mouse event in upper applicatoin.
function markTouch(event) {
event && (event.zrByTouch = true);
} // function markTriggeredFromLocal(event) {
// event && (event.__zrIsFromLocal = true);
// }
// function isTriggeredFromLocal(instance, event) {
// return !!(event && event.__zrIsFromLocal);
// }
function normalizeGlobalEvent(instance, event) {
// offsetX, offsetY still need to be calculated. They are necessary in the event
// handlers of the upper applications. Set `true` to force calculate them.
return normalizeEvent(instance.dom, new FakeGlobalEvent(instance, event), true);
* Detect whether the given el is in `painterRoot`.
function isLocalEl(instance, el) {
var elTmp = el;
var isLocal = false;
while (elTmp && elTmp.nodeType !== 9 && !(isLocal = elTmp.domBelongToZr || elTmp !== el && elTmp === instance.painterRoot)) {
elTmp = elTmp.parentNode;
return isLocal;
* Make a fake event but not change the original event,
* becuase the global event probably be used by other
* listeners not belonging to zrender.
* @class
function FakeGlobalEvent(instance, event) {
this.type = event.type;
this.target = this.currentTarget = instance.dom;
this.pointerType = event.pointerType; // Necessray for the force calculation of zrX, zrY
this.clientX = event.clientX;
this.clientY = event.clientY; // Because we do not mount global listeners to touch events,
// we do not copy `targetTouches` and `changedTouches` here.
var fakeGlobalEventProto = FakeGlobalEvent.prototype; // we make the default methods on the event do nothing,
// otherwise it is dangerous. See more details in
// [Drag outside] in `Handler.js`.
fakeGlobalEventProto.stopPropagation = fakeGlobalEventProto.stopImmediatePropagation = fakeGlobalEventProto.preventDefault = zrUtil.noop;
* Local DOM Handlers
* @this {HandlerProxy}
var localDOMHandlers = {
mousedown: function (event) {
event = normalizeEvent(this.dom, event);
this._mayPointerCapture = [event.zrX, event.zrY];
this.trigger('mousedown', event);
mousemove: function (event) {
event = normalizeEvent(this.dom, event);
var downPoint = this._mayPointerCapture;
if (downPoint && (event.zrX !== downPoint[0] || event.zrY !== downPoint[1])) {
togglePointerCapture(this, true);
this.trigger('mousemove', event);
mouseup: function (event) {
event = normalizeEvent(this.dom, event);
togglePointerCapture(this, false);
this.trigger('mouseup', event);
mouseout: function (event) {
event = normalizeEvent(this.dom, event); // Similarly to the browser did on `document` and touch event,
// `globalout` will be delayed to final pointer cature release.
if (this._pointerCapturing) {
event.zrEventControl = 'no_globalout';
} // There might be some doms created by upper layer application
// at the same level of painter.getViewportRoot() (e.g., tooltip
// dom created by echarts), where 'globalout' event should not
// be triggered when mouse enters these doms. (But 'mouseout'
// should be triggered at the original hovered element as usual).
var element = event.toElement || event.relatedTarget;
event.zrIsToLocalDOM = isLocalEl(this, element);
this.trigger('mouseout', event);
touchstart: function (event) {
// Default mouse behaviour should not be disabled here.
// For example, page may needs to be slided.
event = normalizeEvent(this.dom, event);
this._lastTouchMoment = new Date();
this.handler.processGesture(event, 'start'); // For consistent event listener for both touch device and mouse device,
// we simulate "mouseover-->mousedown" in touch device. So we trigger
// `mousemove` here (to trigger `mouseover` inside), and then trigger
// `mousedown`.
localDOMHandlers.mousemove.call(this, event);
localDOMHandlers.mousedown.call(this, event);
touchmove: function (event) {
event = normalizeEvent(this.dom, event);
this.handler.processGesture(event, 'change'); // Mouse move should always be triggered no matter whether
// there is gestrue event, because mouse move and pinch may
// be used at the same time.
localDOMHandlers.mousemove.call(this, event);
touchend: function (event) {
event = normalizeEvent(this.dom, event);
this.handler.processGesture(event, 'end');
localDOMHandlers.mouseup.call(this, event); // Do not trigger `mouseout` here, in spite of `mousemove`(`mouseover`) is
// triggered in `touchstart`. This seems to be illogical, but by this mechanism,
// we can conveniently implement "hover style" in both PC and touch device just
// by listening to `mouseover` to add "hover style" and listening to `mouseout`
// to remove "hover style" on an element, without any additional code for
// compatibility. (`mouseout` will not be triggered in `touchend`, so "hover
// style" will remain for user view)
// click event should always be triggered no matter whether
// there is gestrue event. System click can not be prevented.
if (+new Date() - this._lastTouchMoment < TOUCH_CLICK_DELAY) {
localDOMHandlers.click.call(this, event);
pointerdown: function (event) {
localDOMHandlers.mousedown.call(this, event); // if (useMSGuesture(this, event)) {
// this._msGesture.addPointer(event.pointerId);
// }
pointermove: function (event) {
// pointermove is so sensitive that it always triggered when
// tap(click) on touch screen, which affect some judgement in
// upper application. So, we dont support mousemove on MS touch
// device yet.
if (!isPointerFromTouch(event)) {
localDOMHandlers.mousemove.call(this, event);
pointerup: function (event) {
localDOMHandlers.mouseup.call(this, event);
pointerout: function (event) {
// pointerout will be triggered when tap on touch screen
// (IE11+/Edge on MS Surface) after click event triggered,
// which is inconsistent with the mousout behavior we defined
// in touchend. So we unify them.
// (check localDOMHandlers.touchend for detailed explanation)
if (!isPointerFromTouch(event)) {
localDOMHandlers.mouseout.call(this, event);
* Othere DOM UI Event handlers for zr dom.
* @this {HandlerProxy}
zrUtil.each(['click', 'mousewheel', 'dblclick', 'contextmenu'], function (name) {
localDOMHandlers[name] = function (event) {
event = normalizeEvent(this.dom, event);
this.trigger(name, event);
* DOM UI Event handlers for global page.
* [Caution]:
* those handlers should both support in capture phase and bubble phase!
* @this {HandlerProxy}
var globalDOMHandlers = {
pointermove: function (event) {
// pointermove is so sensitive that it always triggered when
// tap(click) on touch screen, which affect some judgement in
// upper application. So, we dont support mousemove on MS touch
// device yet.
if (!isPointerFromTouch(event)) {
globalDOMHandlers.mousemove.call(this, event);
pointerup: function (event) {
globalDOMHandlers.mouseup.call(this, event);
mousemove: function (event) {
this.trigger('mousemove', event);
mouseup: function (event) {
var pointerCaptureReleasing = this._pointerCapturing;
togglePointerCapture(this, false);
this.trigger('mouseup', event);
if (pointerCaptureReleasing) {
event.zrEventControl = 'only_globalout';
this.trigger('mouseout', event);
* @param {HandlerProxy} instance
* @param {DOMHandlerScope} scope
function mountLocalDOMEventListeners(instance, scope) {
var domHandlers = scope.domHandlers;
if (env.pointerEventsSupported) {
// Only IE11+/Edge
// 1. On devices that both enable touch and mouse (e.g., MS Surface and lenovo X240),
// IE11+/Edge do not trigger touch event, but trigger pointer event and mouse event
// at the same time.
// 2. On MS Surface, it probablely only trigger mousedown but no mouseup when tap on
// screen, which do not occurs in pointer event.
// So we use pointer event to both detect touch gesture and mouse behavior.
zrUtil.each(localNativeListenerNames.pointer, function (nativeEventName) {
mountSingleDOMEventListener(scope, nativeEventName, function (event) {
// markTriggeredFromLocal(event);
domHandlers[nativeEventName].call(instance, event);
}); // FIXME
// Note: MS Gesture require CSS touch-action set. But touch-action is not reliable,
// which does not prevent defuault behavior occasionally (which may cause view port
// zoomed in but use can not zoom it back). And event.preventDefault() does not work.
// So we have to not to use MSGesture and not to support touchmove and pinch on MS
// touch screen. And we only support click behavior on MS touch screen now.
// MS Gesture Event is only supported on IE11+/Edge and on Windows 8+.
// We dont support touch on IE on win7.
// See <https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dn433243(v=vs.85).aspx>
// if (typeof MSGesture === 'function') {
// (this._msGesture = new MSGesture()).target = dom; // jshint ignore:line
// dom.addEventListener('MSGestureChange', onMSGestureChange);
// }
} else {
if (env.touchEventsSupported) {
zrUtil.each(localNativeListenerNames.touch, function (nativeEventName) {
mountSingleDOMEventListener(scope, nativeEventName, function (event) {
// markTriggeredFromLocal(event);
domHandlers[nativeEventName].call(instance, event);
}); // Handler of 'mouseout' event is needed in touch mode, which will be mounted below.
// addEventListener(root, 'mouseout', this._mouseoutHandler);
} // 1. Considering some devices that both enable touch and mouse event (like on MS Surface
// and lenovo X240, @see #2350), we make mouse event be always listened, otherwise
// mouse event can not be handle in those devices.
// 2. On MS Surface, Chrome will trigger both touch event and mouse event. How to prevent
// mouseevent after touch event triggered, see `setTouchTimer`.
zrUtil.each(localNativeListenerNames.mouse, function (nativeEventName) {
mountSingleDOMEventListener(scope, nativeEventName, function (event) {
event = getNativeEvent(event);
if (!scope.touching) {
// markTriggeredFromLocal(event);
domHandlers[nativeEventName].call(instance, event);
* @param {HandlerProxy} instance
* @param {DOMHandlerScope} scope
function mountGlobalDOMEventListeners(instance, scope) {
// Only IE11+/Edge. See the comment in `mountLocalDOMEventListeners`.
if (env.pointerEventsSupported) {
zrUtil.each(globalNativeListenerNames.pointer, mount);
} // Touch event has implemented "drag outside" so we do not mount global listener for touch event.
// (see https://www.w3.org/TR/touch-events/#the-touchmove-event)
// We do not consider "both-support-touch-and-mouse device" for this feature (see the comment of
// `mountLocalDOMEventListeners`) to avoid bugs util some requirements come.
else if (!env.touchEventsSupported) {
zrUtil.each(globalNativeListenerNames.mouse, mount);
function mount(nativeEventName) {
function nativeEventListener(event) {
event = getNativeEvent(event); // See the reason in [Drag outside] in `Handler.js`
// This checking supports both `useCapture` or not.
// PENDING: if there is performance issue in some devices,
// we probably can not use `useCapture` and change a easier
// to judes whether local (mark).
if (!isLocalEl(instance, event.target)) {
event = normalizeGlobalEvent(instance, event);
scope.domHandlers[nativeEventName].call(instance, event);
mountSingleDOMEventListener(scope, nativeEventName, nativeEventListener, {
capture: true
} // See [Drag Outside] in `Handler.js`
function mountSingleDOMEventListener(scope, nativeEventName, listener, opt) {
scope.mounted[nativeEventName] = listener;
scope.listenerOpts[nativeEventName] = opt;
addEventListener(scope.domTarget, eventNameFix(nativeEventName), listener, opt);
function unmountDOMEventListeners(scope) {
var mounted = scope.mounted;
for (var nativeEventName in mounted) {
if (mounted.hasOwnProperty(nativeEventName)) {
removeEventListener(scope.domTarget, eventNameFix(nativeEventName), mounted[nativeEventName], scope.listenerOpts[nativeEventName]);
scope.mounted = {};
* See [Drag Outside] in `Handler.js`.
* @implement
* @param {boolean} isPointerCapturing Should never be `null`/`undefined`.
* `true`: start to capture pointer if it is not capturing.
* `false`: end the capture if it is capturing.
function togglePointerCapture(instance, isPointerCapturing) {
instance._mayPointerCapture = null;
if (globalEventSupported && instance._pointerCapturing ^ isPointerCapturing) {
instance._pointerCapturing = isPointerCapturing;
var globalHandlerScope = instance._globalHandlerScope;
isPointerCapturing ? mountGlobalDOMEventListeners(instance, globalHandlerScope) : unmountDOMEventListeners(globalHandlerScope);
* @inner
* @class
function DOMHandlerScope(domTarget, domHandlers) {
this.domTarget = domTarget;
this.domHandlers = domHandlers; // Key: eventName, value: mounted handler funcitons.
// Used for unmount.
this.mounted = {};
this.listenerOpts = {};
this.touchTimer = null;
this.touching = false;
* @public
* @class
function HandlerDomProxy(dom, painterRoot) {
this.dom = dom;
this.painterRoot = painterRoot;
this._localHandlerScope = new DOMHandlerScope(dom, localDOMHandlers);
if (globalEventSupported) {
this._globalHandlerScope = new DOMHandlerScope(document, globalDOMHandlers);
* @type {boolean}
this._pointerCapturing = false;
* @type {Array.<number>} [x, y] or null.
this._mayPointerCapture = null;
mountLocalDOMEventListeners(this, this._localHandlerScope);
var handlerDomProxyProto = HandlerDomProxy.prototype;
handlerDomProxyProto.dispose = function () {
if (globalEventSupported) {
handlerDomProxyProto.setCursor = function (cursorStyle) {
this.dom.style && (this.dom.style.cursor = cursorStyle || 'default');
zrUtil.mixin(HandlerDomProxy, Eventful);
var _default = HandlerDomProxy;
module.exports = _default;