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# is What? 🙉
Very simple & small JS type check functions. It's fully TypeScript supported!
npm i is-what
Or for deno available at: `"deno.land/x/is_what"`
## Motivation
I built is-what because the existing solutions were all too complex or too poorly built.
I was looking for:
- A simple way to check any kind of type (including non-primitives)
- Be able to check if an object is a plain object `{}` or a special object (like a class instance) ‼️
- Let TypeScript automatically know what type a value is when checking
And that's exactly what `is-what` is! (what a great wordplay 😃)
## Usage
is-what is really easy to use, and most functions work just like you'd expect.
// import functions you want to use like so:
import { isString, isDate, isPlainObject } from 'is-what'
1. First I'll go over the simple functions available. Only `isNumber` and `isDate` have special treatment.
2. After that I'll talk about working with Objects (plain objects vs class instances etc.).
3. Lastly I'll talk about TypeScript implementation
### Simple type check functions
// strings
isString('') // true
isEmptyString('') // true
isFullString('') // false
// numbers
isNumber(0) // true
isNumber(NaN) // false
// dates
isDate(new Date()) // true
isDate(new Date('invalid date')) // false
// others
isBoolean(false) // true
isFunction(function () {}) // true
isArray([]) // true
isUndefined(undefined) // true
isNull(null) // true
isRegExp(/\s/gi) // true
isSymbol(Symbol()) // true
isBlob(new Blob()) // true
isFile(new File([''], '', { type: 'text/html' })) // true
// primitives
isPrimitive('') // true
// true for any of: boolean, null, undefined, number, string, symbol
### Getting and checking for specific types
You can check for specific types with `getType` and `isType`:
import { getType, isType } from 'is-what'
getType('') // returns 'String'
// pass a Type as second param:
isType('', String) // returns true
### isPlainObject vs isAnyObject
Checking for a JavaScript object can be really difficult. In JavaScript you can create classes that will behave just like JavaScript objects but might have completely different prototypes. With is-what I went for this classification:
- `isPlainObject` will only return `true` on plain JavaScript objects and not on classes or others
- `isAnyObject` will be more loose and return `true` on regular objects, classes, etc.
// define a plain object
const plainObject = {hello: 'I am a good old object.'}
// define a special object
class SpecialObject {
constructor (somethingSpecial) {
this.speciality = somethingSpecial
const specialObject = new SpecialObject('I am a special object! I am a class instance!!!')
// check the plain object
isPlainObject(plainObject) // returns true
isAnyObject(plainObject) // returns true
getType(plainObject) // returns 'Object'
// check the special object
isPlainObject(specialObject) // returns false !!!!!!!!!
isAnyObject(specialObject) // returns true
getType(specialObject) // returns 'Object'
> Please note that `isPlainObject` will only return `true` for normal plain JavaScript objects.
## TypeScript
is-what makes TypeScript know the type during if statements. This means that a check returns the type of the payload for TypeScript users.
function isNumber (payload: any): payload is number {
// return boolean
// As you can see above, all functions return a boolean for JavaScript, but pass the payload type to TypeScript.
// usage example:
function fn (payload: string | number): number {
if (isNumber(payload)) {
// ↑ TypeScript already knows payload is a number here!
return payload
return 0
`isPlainObject` and `isAnyObject` with TypeScript will declare the payload to be an object type with any props:
function isPlainObject (payload: any): payload is {[key: string]: any}
function isAnyObject (payload: any): payload is {[key: string]: any}
// The reason to return `{[key: string]: any}` is to be able to do
if (isPlainObject(payload) && payload.id) return payload.id
// if isPlainObject() would return `payload is object` then it would give an error at `payload.id`
### isObjectLike
If you want more control over which kind of objects are allowed you can use `isObjectLike<T>`:
import { isObjectLike } from 'is-what'
// usage examples:
isObjectLike<{specificKey: string}>(payload)
// you can pass a specific type for TS to check on.
`isObjectLike<T>` works like this under the hood:
function isObjectLike<T extends object> (payload: any): payload is T {
return isAnyObject(payload)
## Meet the family
- [is-what 🙉](https://github.com/mesqueeb/is-what)
- [merge-anything 🥡](https://github.com/mesqueeb/merge-anything)
- [filter-anything ⚔️](https://github.com/mesqueeb/filter-anything)
- [find-and-replace-anything 🎣](https://github.com/mesqueeb/find-and-replace-anything)
- [compare-anything 🛰](https://github.com/mesqueeb/compare-anything)
- [copy-anything 🎭](https://github.com/mesqueeb/copy-anything)
- [flatten-anything 🏏](https://github.com/mesqueeb/flatten-anything)
## Source code
It's litterally just these functions:
function getType (payload) {
return Object.prototype.toString.call(payload).slice(8, -1)
function isUndefined (payload) {
return getType(payload) === 'Undefined'
function isString (payload) {
return getType(payload) === 'String'
function isAnyObject (payload) {
return getType(payload) === 'Object'
// etc...
See the full source code [here](https://github.com/mesqueeb/is-what/blob/master/src/index.ts).