/** * @fileoverview Main CLI object. * @author Nicholas C. Zakas */ "use strict"; /* * The CLI object should *not* call process.exit() directly. It should only return * exit codes. This allows other programs to use the CLI object and still control * when the program exits. */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Requirements //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const fs = require("fs"); const path = require("path"); const defaultOptions = require("../../conf/default-cli-options"); const pkg = require("../../package.json"); const ConfigOps = require("@eslint/eslintrc/lib/shared/config-ops"); const naming = require("@eslint/eslintrc/lib/shared/naming"); const ModuleResolver = require("../shared/relative-module-resolver"); const { Linter } = require("../linter"); const builtInRules = require("../rules"); const { CascadingConfigArrayFactory } = require("./cascading-config-array-factory"); const { IgnorePattern, getUsedExtractedConfigs } = require("./config-array"); const { FileEnumerator } = require("./file-enumerator"); const hash = require("./hash"); const LintResultCache = require("./lint-result-cache"); const debug = require("debug")("eslint:cli-engine"); const validFixTypes = new Set(["problem", "suggestion", "layout"]); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Typedefs //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // For VSCode IntelliSense /** @typedef {import("../shared/types").ConfigData} ConfigData */ /** @typedef {import("../shared/types").DeprecatedRuleInfo} DeprecatedRuleInfo */ /** @typedef {import("../shared/types").LintMessage} LintMessage */ /** @typedef {import("../shared/types").ParserOptions} ParserOptions */ /** @typedef {import("../shared/types").Plugin} Plugin */ /** @typedef {import("../shared/types").RuleConf} RuleConf */ /** @typedef {import("../shared/types").Rule} Rule */ /** @typedef {ReturnType} ConfigArray */ /** @typedef {ReturnType} ExtractedConfig */ /** * The options to configure a CLI engine with. * @typedef {Object} CLIEngineOptions * @property {boolean} [allowInlineConfig] Enable or disable inline configuration comments. * @property {ConfigData} [baseConfig] Base config object, extended by all configs used with this CLIEngine instance * @property {boolean} [cache] Enable result caching. * @property {string} [cacheLocation] The cache file to use instead of .eslintcache. * @property {string} [configFile] The configuration file to use. * @property {string} [cwd] The value to use for the current working directory. * @property {string[]} [envs] An array of environments to load. * @property {string[]|null} [extensions] An array of file extensions to check. * @property {boolean|Function} [fix] Execute in autofix mode. If a function, should return a boolean. * @property {string[]} [fixTypes] Array of rule types to apply fixes for. * @property {string[]} [globals] An array of global variables to declare. * @property {boolean} [ignore] False disables use of .eslintignore. * @property {string} [ignorePath] The ignore file to use instead of .eslintignore. * @property {string|string[]} [ignorePattern] One or more glob patterns to ignore. * @property {boolean} [useEslintrc] False disables looking for .eslintrc * @property {string} [parser] The name of the parser to use. * @property {ParserOptions} [parserOptions] An object of parserOption settings to use. * @property {string[]} [plugins] An array of plugins to load. * @property {Record} [rules] An object of rules to use. * @property {string[]} [rulePaths] An array of directories to load custom rules from. * @property {boolean} [reportUnusedDisableDirectives] `true` adds reports for unused eslint-disable directives * @property {boolean} [globInputPaths] Set to false to skip glob resolution of input file paths to lint (default: true). If false, each input file paths is assumed to be a non-glob path to an existing file. * @property {string} [resolvePluginsRelativeTo] The folder where plugins should be resolved from, defaulting to the CWD */ /** * A linting result. * @typedef {Object} LintResult * @property {string} filePath The path to the file that was linted. * @property {LintMessage[]} messages All of the messages for the result. * @property {number} errorCount Number of errors for the result. * @property {number} warningCount Number of warnings for the result. * @property {number} fixableErrorCount Number of fixable errors for the result. * @property {number} fixableWarningCount Number of fixable warnings for the result. * @property {string} [source] The source code of the file that was linted. * @property {string} [output] The source code of the file that was linted, with as many fixes applied as possible. */ /** * Linting results. * @typedef {Object} LintReport * @property {LintResult[]} results All of the result. * @property {number} errorCount Number of errors for the result. * @property {number} warningCount Number of warnings for the result. * @property {number} fixableErrorCount Number of fixable errors for the result. * @property {number} fixableWarningCount Number of fixable warnings for the result. * @property {DeprecatedRuleInfo[]} usedDeprecatedRules The list of used deprecated rules. */ /** * Private data for CLIEngine. * @typedef {Object} CLIEngineInternalSlots * @property {Map} additionalPluginPool The map for additional plugins. * @property {string} cacheFilePath The path to the cache of lint results. * @property {CascadingConfigArrayFactory} configArrayFactory The factory of configs. * @property {(filePath: string) => boolean} defaultIgnores The default predicate function to check if a file ignored or not. * @property {FileEnumerator} fileEnumerator The file enumerator. * @property {ConfigArray[]} lastConfigArrays The list of config arrays that the last `executeOnFiles` or `executeOnText` used. * @property {LintResultCache|null} lintResultCache The cache of lint results. * @property {Linter} linter The linter instance which has loaded rules. * @property {CLIEngineOptions} options The normalized options of this instance. */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Helpers //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** @type {WeakMap} */ const internalSlotsMap = new WeakMap(); /** * Determines if each fix type in an array is supported by ESLint and throws * an error if not. * @param {string[]} fixTypes An array of fix types to check. * @returns {void} * @throws {Error} If an invalid fix type is found. */ function validateFixTypes(fixTypes) { for (const fixType of fixTypes) { if (!validFixTypes.has(fixType)) { throw new Error(`Invalid fix type "${fixType}" found.`); } } } /** * It will calculate the error and warning count for collection of messages per file * @param {LintMessage[]} messages Collection of messages * @returns {Object} Contains the stats * @private */ function calculateStatsPerFile(messages) { return messages.reduce((stat, message) => { if (message.fatal || message.severity === 2) { stat.errorCount++; if (message.fix) { stat.fixableErrorCount++; } } else { stat.warningCount++; if (message.fix) { stat.fixableWarningCount++; } } return stat; }, { errorCount: 0, warningCount: 0, fixableErrorCount: 0, fixableWarningCount: 0 }); } /** * It will calculate the error and warning count for collection of results from all files * @param {LintResult[]} results Collection of messages from all the files * @returns {Object} Contains the stats * @private */ function calculateStatsPerRun(results) { return results.reduce((stat, result) => { stat.errorCount += result.errorCount; stat.warningCount += result.warningCount; stat.fixableErrorCount += result.fixableErrorCount; stat.fixableWarningCount += result.fixableWarningCount; return stat; }, { errorCount: 0, warningCount: 0, fixableErrorCount: 0, fixableWarningCount: 0 }); } /** * Processes an source code using ESLint. * @param {Object} config The config object. * @param {string} config.text The source code to verify. * @param {string} config.cwd The path to the current working directory. * @param {string|undefined} config.filePath The path to the file of `text`. If this is undefined, it uses ``. * @param {ConfigArray} config.config The config. * @param {boolean} config.fix If `true` then it does fix. * @param {boolean} config.allowInlineConfig If `true` then it uses directive comments. * @param {boolean} config.reportUnusedDisableDirectives If `true` then it reports unused `eslint-disable` comments. * @param {FileEnumerator} config.fileEnumerator The file enumerator to check if a path is a target or not. * @param {Linter} config.linter The linter instance to verify. * @returns {LintResult} The result of linting. * @private */ function verifyText({ text, cwd, filePath: providedFilePath, config, fix, allowInlineConfig, reportUnusedDisableDirectives, fileEnumerator, linter }) { const filePath = providedFilePath || ""; debug(`Lint ${filePath}`); /* * Verify. * `config.extractConfig(filePath)` requires an absolute path, but `linter` * doesn't know CWD, so it gives `linter` an absolute path always. */ const filePathToVerify = filePath === "" ? path.join(cwd, filePath) : filePath; const { fixed, messages, output } = linter.verifyAndFix( text, config, { allowInlineConfig, filename: filePathToVerify, fix, reportUnusedDisableDirectives, /** * Check if the linter should adopt a given code block or not. * @param {string} blockFilename The virtual filename of a code block. * @returns {boolean} `true` if the linter should adopt the code block. */ filterCodeBlock(blockFilename) { return fileEnumerator.isTargetPath(blockFilename); } } ); // Tweak and return. const result = { filePath, messages, ...calculateStatsPerFile(messages) }; if (fixed) { result.output = output; } if ( result.errorCount + result.warningCount > 0 && typeof result.output === "undefined" ) { result.source = text; } return result; } /** * Returns result with warning by ignore settings * @param {string} filePath File path of checked code * @param {string} baseDir Absolute path of base directory * @returns {LintResult} Result with single warning * @private */ function createIgnoreResult(filePath, baseDir) { let message; const isHidden = filePath.split(path.sep) .find(segment => /^\./u.test(segment)); const isInNodeModules = baseDir && path.relative(baseDir, filePath).startsWith("node_modules"); if (isHidden) { message = "File ignored by default. Use a negated ignore pattern (like \"--ignore-pattern '!'\") to override."; } else if (isInNodeModules) { message = "File ignored by default. Use \"--ignore-pattern '!node_modules/*'\" to override."; } else { message = "File ignored because of a matching ignore pattern. Use \"--no-ignore\" to override."; } return { filePath: path.resolve(filePath), messages: [ { fatal: false, severity: 1, message } ], errorCount: 0, warningCount: 1, fixableErrorCount: 0, fixableWarningCount: 0 }; } /** * Get a rule. * @param {string} ruleId The rule ID to get. * @param {ConfigArray[]} configArrays The config arrays that have plugin rules. * @returns {Rule|null} The rule or null. */ function getRule(ruleId, configArrays) { for (const configArray of configArrays) { const rule = configArray.pluginRules.get(ruleId); if (rule) { return rule; } } return builtInRules.get(ruleId) || null; } /** * Collect used deprecated rules. * @param {ConfigArray[]} usedConfigArrays The config arrays which were used. * @returns {IterableIterator} Used deprecated rules. */ function *iterateRuleDeprecationWarnings(usedConfigArrays) { const processedRuleIds = new Set(); // Flatten used configs. /** @type {ExtractedConfig[]} */ const configs = [].concat( ...usedConfigArrays.map(getUsedExtractedConfigs) ); // Traverse rule configs. for (const config of configs) { for (const [ruleId, ruleConfig] of Object.entries(config.rules)) { // Skip if it was processed. if (processedRuleIds.has(ruleId)) { continue; } processedRuleIds.add(ruleId); // Skip if it's not used. if (!ConfigOps.getRuleSeverity(ruleConfig)) { continue; } const rule = getRule(ruleId, usedConfigArrays); // Skip if it's not deprecated. if (!(rule && rule.meta && rule.meta.deprecated)) { continue; } // This rule was used and deprecated. yield { ruleId, replacedBy: rule.meta.replacedBy || [] }; } } } /** * Checks if the given message is an error message. * @param {LintMessage} message The message to check. * @returns {boolean} Whether or not the message is an error message. * @private */ function isErrorMessage(message) { return message.severity === 2; } /** * return the cacheFile to be used by eslint, based on whether the provided parameter is * a directory or looks like a directory (ends in `path.sep`), in which case the file * name will be the `cacheFile/.cache_hashOfCWD` * * if cacheFile points to a file or looks like a file then in will just use that file * @param {string} cacheFile The name of file to be used to store the cache * @param {string} cwd Current working directory * @returns {string} the resolved path to the cache file */ function getCacheFile(cacheFile, cwd) { /* * make sure the path separators are normalized for the environment/os * keeping the trailing path separator if present */ const normalizedCacheFile = path.normalize(cacheFile); const resolvedCacheFile = path.resolve(cwd, normalizedCacheFile); const looksLikeADirectory = normalizedCacheFile.slice(-1) === path.sep; /** * return the name for the cache file in case the provided parameter is a directory * @returns {string} the resolved path to the cacheFile */ function getCacheFileForDirectory() { return path.join(resolvedCacheFile, `.cache_${hash(cwd)}`); } let fileStats; try { fileStats = fs.lstatSync(resolvedCacheFile); } catch { fileStats = null; } /* * in case the file exists we need to verify if the provided path * is a directory or a file. If it is a directory we want to create a file * inside that directory */ if (fileStats) { /* * is a directory or is a file, but the original file the user provided * looks like a directory but `path.resolve` removed the `last path.sep` * so we need to still treat this like a directory */ if (fileStats.isDirectory() || looksLikeADirectory) { return getCacheFileForDirectory(); } // is file so just use that file return resolvedCacheFile; } /* * here we known the file or directory doesn't exist, * so we will try to infer if its a directory if it looks like a directory * for the current operating system. */ // if the last character passed is a path separator we assume is a directory if (looksLikeADirectory) { return getCacheFileForDirectory(); } return resolvedCacheFile; } /** * Convert a string array to a boolean map. * @param {string[]|null} keys The keys to assign true. * @param {boolean} defaultValue The default value for each property. * @param {string} displayName The property name which is used in error message. * @returns {Record} The boolean map. */ function toBooleanMap(keys, defaultValue, displayName) { if (keys && !Array.isArray(keys)) { throw new Error(`${displayName} must be an array.`); } if (keys && keys.length > 0) { return keys.reduce((map, def) => { const [key, value] = def.split(":"); if (key !== "__proto__") { map[key] = value === void 0 ? defaultValue : value === "true"; } return map; }, {}); } return void 0; } /** * Create a config data from CLI options. * @param {CLIEngineOptions} options The options * @returns {ConfigData|null} The created config data. */ function createConfigDataFromOptions(options) { const { ignorePattern, parser, parserOptions, plugins, rules } = options; const env = toBooleanMap(options.envs, true, "envs"); const globals = toBooleanMap(options.globals, false, "globals"); if ( env === void 0 && globals === void 0 && (ignorePattern === void 0 || ignorePattern.length === 0) && parser === void 0 && parserOptions === void 0 && plugins === void 0 && rules === void 0 ) { return null; } return { env, globals, ignorePatterns: ignorePattern, parser, parserOptions, plugins, rules }; } /** * Checks whether a directory exists at the given location * @param {string} resolvedPath A path from the CWD * @returns {boolean} `true` if a directory exists */ function directoryExists(resolvedPath) { try { return fs.statSync(resolvedPath).isDirectory(); } catch (error) { if (error && error.code === "ENOENT") { return false; } throw error; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Public Interface //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class CLIEngine { /** * Creates a new instance of the core CLI engine. * @param {CLIEngineOptions} providedOptions The options for this instance. */ constructor(providedOptions) { const options = Object.assign( Object.create(null), defaultOptions, { cwd: process.cwd() }, providedOptions ); if (options.fix === void 0) { options.fix = false; } const additionalPluginPool = new Map(); const cacheFilePath = getCacheFile( options.cacheLocation || options.cacheFile, options.cwd ); const configArrayFactory = new CascadingConfigArrayFactory({ additionalPluginPool, baseConfig: options.baseConfig || null, cliConfig: createConfigDataFromOptions(options), cwd: options.cwd, ignorePath: options.ignorePath, resolvePluginsRelativeTo: options.resolvePluginsRelativeTo, rulePaths: options.rulePaths, specificConfigPath: options.configFile, useEslintrc: options.useEslintrc }); const fileEnumerator = new FileEnumerator({ configArrayFactory, cwd: options.cwd, extensions: options.extensions, globInputPaths: options.globInputPaths, errorOnUnmatchedPattern: options.errorOnUnmatchedPattern, ignore: options.ignore }); const lintResultCache = options.cache ? new LintResultCache(cacheFilePath) : null; const linter = new Linter({ cwd: options.cwd }); /** @type {ConfigArray[]} */ const lastConfigArrays = [configArrayFactory.getConfigArrayForFile()]; // Store private data. internalSlotsMap.set(this, { additionalPluginPool, cacheFilePath, configArrayFactory, defaultIgnores: IgnorePattern.createDefaultIgnore(options.cwd), fileEnumerator, lastConfigArrays, lintResultCache, linter, options }); // setup special filter for fixes if (options.fix && options.fixTypes && options.fixTypes.length > 0) { debug(`Using fix types ${options.fixTypes}`); // throw an error if any invalid fix types are found validateFixTypes(options.fixTypes); // convert to Set for faster lookup const fixTypes = new Set(options.fixTypes); // save original value of options.fix in case it's a function const originalFix = (typeof options.fix === "function") ? options.fix : () => true; options.fix = message => { const rule = message.ruleId && getRule(message.ruleId, lastConfigArrays); const matches = rule && rule.meta && fixTypes.has(rule.meta.type); return matches && originalFix(message); }; } } getRules() { const { lastConfigArrays } = internalSlotsMap.get(this); return new Map(function *() { yield* builtInRules; for (const configArray of lastConfigArrays) { yield* configArray.pluginRules; } }()); } /** * Returns results that only contains errors. * @param {LintResult[]} results The results to filter. * @returns {LintResult[]} The filtered results. */ static getErrorResults(results) { const filtered = []; results.forEach(result => { const filteredMessages = result.messages.filter(isErrorMessage); if (filteredMessages.length > 0) { filtered.push({ ...result, messages: filteredMessages, errorCount: filteredMessages.length, warningCount: 0, fixableErrorCount: result.fixableErrorCount, fixableWarningCount: 0 }); } }); return filtered; } /** * Outputs fixes from the given results to files. * @param {LintReport} report The report object created by CLIEngine. * @returns {void} */ static outputFixes(report) { report.results.filter(result => Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(result, "output")).forEach(result => { fs.writeFileSync(result.filePath, result.output); }); } /** * Add a plugin by passing its configuration * @param {string} name Name of the plugin. * @param {Plugin} pluginObject Plugin configuration object. * @returns {void} */ addPlugin(name, pluginObject) { const { additionalPluginPool, configArrayFactory, lastConfigArrays } = internalSlotsMap.get(this); additionalPluginPool.set(name, pluginObject); configArrayFactory.clearCache(); lastConfigArrays.length = 1; lastConfigArrays[0] = configArrayFactory.getConfigArrayForFile(); } /** * Resolves the patterns passed into executeOnFiles() into glob-based patterns * for easier handling. * @param {string[]} patterns The file patterns passed on the command line. * @returns {string[]} The equivalent glob patterns. */ resolveFileGlobPatterns(patterns) { const { options } = internalSlotsMap.get(this); if (options.globInputPaths === false) { return patterns.filter(Boolean); } const extensions = (options.extensions || [".js"]).map(ext => ext.replace(/^\./u, "")); const dirSuffix = `/**/*.{${extensions.join(",")}}`; return patterns.filter(Boolean).map(pathname => { const resolvedPath = path.resolve(options.cwd, pathname); const newPath = directoryExists(resolvedPath) ? pathname.replace(/[/\\]$/u, "") + dirSuffix : pathname; return path.normalize(newPath).replace(/\\/gu, "/"); }); } /** * Executes the current configuration on an array of file and directory names. * @param {string[]} patterns An array of file and directory names. * @returns {LintReport} The results for all files that were linted. */ executeOnFiles(patterns) { const { cacheFilePath, fileEnumerator, lastConfigArrays, lintResultCache, linter, options: { allowInlineConfig, cache, cwd, fix, reportUnusedDisableDirectives } } = internalSlotsMap.get(this); const results = []; const startTime = Date.now(); // Clear the last used config arrays. lastConfigArrays.length = 0; // Delete cache file; should this do here? if (!cache) { try { fs.unlinkSync(cacheFilePath); } catch (error) { const errorCode = error && error.code; // Ignore errors when no such file exists or file system is read only (and cache file does not exist) if (errorCode !== "ENOENT" && !(errorCode === "EROFS" && !fs.existsSync(cacheFilePath))) { throw error; } } } // Iterate source code files. for (const { config, filePath, ignored } of fileEnumerator.iterateFiles(patterns)) { if (ignored) { results.push(createIgnoreResult(filePath, cwd)); continue; } /* * Store used configs for: * - this method uses to collect used deprecated rules. * - `getRules()` method uses to collect all loaded rules. * - `--fix-type` option uses to get the loaded rule's meta data. */ if (!lastConfigArrays.includes(config)) { lastConfigArrays.push(config); } // Skip if there is cached result. if (lintResultCache) { const cachedResult = lintResultCache.getCachedLintResults(filePath, config); if (cachedResult) { const hadMessages = cachedResult.messages && cachedResult.messages.length > 0; if (hadMessages && fix) { debug(`Reprocessing cached file to allow autofix: ${filePath}`); } else { debug(`Skipping file since it hasn't changed: ${filePath}`); results.push(cachedResult); continue; } } } // Do lint. const result = verifyText({ text: fs.readFileSync(filePath, "utf8"), filePath, config, cwd, fix, allowInlineConfig, reportUnusedDisableDirectives, fileEnumerator, linter }); results.push(result); /* * Store the lint result in the LintResultCache. * NOTE: The LintResultCache will remove the file source and any * other properties that are difficult to serialize, and will * hydrate those properties back in on future lint runs. */ if (lintResultCache) { lintResultCache.setCachedLintResults(filePath, config, result); } } // Persist the cache to disk. if (lintResultCache) { lintResultCache.reconcile(); } debug(`Linting complete in: ${Date.now() - startTime}ms`); let usedDeprecatedRules; return { results, ...calculateStatsPerRun(results), // Initialize it lazily because CLI and `ESLint` API don't use it. get usedDeprecatedRules() { if (!usedDeprecatedRules) { usedDeprecatedRules = Array.from( iterateRuleDeprecationWarnings(lastConfigArrays) ); } return usedDeprecatedRules; } }; } /** * Executes the current configuration on text. * @param {string} text A string of JavaScript code to lint. * @param {string} [filename] An optional string representing the texts filename. * @param {boolean} [warnIgnored] Always warn when a file is ignored * @returns {LintReport} The results for the linting. */ executeOnText(text, filename, warnIgnored) { const { configArrayFactory, fileEnumerator, lastConfigArrays, linter, options: { allowInlineConfig, cwd, fix, reportUnusedDisableDirectives } } = internalSlotsMap.get(this); const results = []; const startTime = Date.now(); const resolvedFilename = filename && path.resolve(cwd, filename); // Clear the last used config arrays. lastConfigArrays.length = 0; if (resolvedFilename && this.isPathIgnored(resolvedFilename)) { if (warnIgnored) { results.push(createIgnoreResult(resolvedFilename, cwd)); } } else { const config = configArrayFactory.getConfigArrayForFile( resolvedFilename || "__placeholder__.js" ); /* * Store used configs for: * - this method uses to collect used deprecated rules. * - `getRules()` method uses to collect all loaded rules. * - `--fix-type` option uses to get the loaded rule's meta data. */ lastConfigArrays.push(config); // Do lint. results.push(verifyText({ text, filePath: resolvedFilename, config, cwd, fix, allowInlineConfig, reportUnusedDisableDirectives, fileEnumerator, linter })); } debug(`Linting complete in: ${Date.now() - startTime}ms`); let usedDeprecatedRules; return { results, ...calculateStatsPerRun(results), // Initialize it lazily because CLI and `ESLint` API don't use it. get usedDeprecatedRules() { if (!usedDeprecatedRules) { usedDeprecatedRules = Array.from( iterateRuleDeprecationWarnings(lastConfigArrays) ); } return usedDeprecatedRules; } }; } /** * Returns a configuration object for the given file based on the CLI options. * This is the same logic used by the ESLint CLI executable to determine * configuration for each file it processes. * @param {string} filePath The path of the file to retrieve a config object for. * @returns {ConfigData} A configuration object for the file. */ getConfigForFile(filePath) { const { configArrayFactory, options } = internalSlotsMap.get(this); const absolutePath = path.resolve(options.cwd, filePath); if (directoryExists(absolutePath)) { throw Object.assign( new Error("'filePath' should not be a directory path."), { messageTemplate: "print-config-with-directory-path" } ); } return configArrayFactory .getConfigArrayForFile(absolutePath) .extractConfig(absolutePath) .toCompatibleObjectAsConfigFileContent(); } /** * Checks if a given path is ignored by ESLint. * @param {string} filePath The path of the file to check. * @returns {boolean} Whether or not the given path is ignored. */ isPathIgnored(filePath) { const { configArrayFactory, defaultIgnores, options: { cwd, ignore } } = internalSlotsMap.get(this); const absolutePath = path.resolve(cwd, filePath); if (ignore) { const config = configArrayFactory .getConfigArrayForFile(absolutePath) .extractConfig(absolutePath); const ignores = config.ignores || defaultIgnores; return ignores(absolutePath); } return defaultIgnores(absolutePath); } /** * Returns the formatter representing the given format or null if the `format` is not a string. * @param {string} [format] The name of the format to load or the path to a * custom formatter. * @returns {(Function|null)} The formatter function or null if the `format` is not a string. */ getFormatter(format) { // default is stylish const resolvedFormatName = format || "stylish"; // only strings are valid formatters if (typeof resolvedFormatName === "string") { // replace \ with / for Windows compatibility const normalizedFormatName = resolvedFormatName.replace(/\\/gu, "/"); const slots = internalSlotsMap.get(this); const cwd = slots ? slots.options.cwd : process.cwd(); const namespace = naming.getNamespaceFromTerm(normalizedFormatName); let formatterPath; // if there's a slash, then it's a file (TODO: this check seems dubious for scoped npm packages) if (!namespace && normalizedFormatName.indexOf("/") > -1) { formatterPath = path.resolve(cwd, normalizedFormatName); } else { try { const npmFormat = naming.normalizePackageName(normalizedFormatName, "eslint-formatter"); formatterPath = ModuleResolver.resolve(npmFormat, path.join(cwd, "__placeholder__.js")); } catch { formatterPath = path.resolve(__dirname, "formatters", normalizedFormatName); } } try { return require(formatterPath); } catch (ex) { ex.message = `There was a problem loading formatter: ${formatterPath}\nError: ${ex.message}`; throw ex; } } else { return null; } } } CLIEngine.version = pkg.version; CLIEngine.getFormatter = CLIEngine.prototype.getFormatter; module.exports = { CLIEngine, /** * Get the internal slots of a given CLIEngine instance for tests. * @param {CLIEngine} instance The CLIEngine instance to get. * @returns {CLIEngineInternalSlots} The internal slots. */ getCLIEngineInternalSlots(instance) { return internalSlotsMap.get(instance); } };