var _core = require("./core"); var createElement = _core.createElement; var PathProxy = require("../core/PathProxy"); var BoundingRect = require("../core/BoundingRect"); var matrix = require("../core/matrix"); var textContain = require("../contain/text"); var textHelper = require("../graphic/helper/text"); var Text = require("../graphic/Text"); // TODO // 1. shadow // 2. Image: sx, sy, sw, sh var CMD = PathProxy.CMD; var arrayJoin = Array.prototype.join; var NONE = 'none'; var mathRound = Math.round; var mathSin = Math.sin; var mathCos = Math.cos; var PI = Math.PI; var PI2 = Math.PI * 2; var degree = 180 / PI; var EPSILON = 1e-4; function round4(val) { return mathRound(val * 1e4) / 1e4; } function isAroundZero(val) { return val < EPSILON && val > -EPSILON; } function pathHasFill(style, isText) { var fill = isText ? style.textFill : style.fill; return fill != null && fill !== NONE; } function pathHasStroke(style, isText) { var stroke = isText ? style.textStroke : style.stroke; return stroke != null && stroke !== NONE; } function setTransform(svgEl, m) { if (m) { attr(svgEl, 'transform', 'matrix(' +, ',') + ')'); } } function attr(el, key, val) { if (!val || val.type !== 'linear' && val.type !== 'radial') { // Don't set attribute for gradient, since it need new dom nodes el.setAttribute(key, val); } } function attrXLink(el, key, val) { el.setAttributeNS('', key, val); } function bindStyle(svgEl, style, isText, el) { if (pathHasFill(style, isText)) { var fill = isText ? style.textFill : style.fill; fill = fill === 'transparent' ? NONE : fill; attr(svgEl, 'fill', fill); attr(svgEl, 'fill-opacity', style.fillOpacity != null ? style.fillOpacity * style.opacity : style.opacity); } else { attr(svgEl, 'fill', NONE); } if (pathHasStroke(style, isText)) { var stroke = isText ? style.textStroke : style.stroke; stroke = stroke === 'transparent' ? NONE : stroke; attr(svgEl, 'stroke', stroke); var strokeWidth = isText ? style.textStrokeWidth : style.lineWidth; var strokeScale = !isText && style.strokeNoScale ? el.getLineScale() : 1; attr(svgEl, 'stroke-width', strokeWidth / strokeScale); // stroke then fill for text; fill then stroke for others attr(svgEl, 'paint-order', isText ? 'stroke' : 'fill'); attr(svgEl, 'stroke-opacity', style.strokeOpacity != null ? style.strokeOpacity : style.opacity); var lineDash = style.lineDash; if (lineDash) { attr(svgEl, 'stroke-dasharray', style.lineDash.join(',')); attr(svgEl, 'stroke-dashoffset', mathRound(style.lineDashOffset || 0)); } else { attr(svgEl, 'stroke-dasharray', ''); } // PENDING style.lineCap && attr(svgEl, 'stroke-linecap', style.lineCap); style.lineJoin && attr(svgEl, 'stroke-linejoin', style.lineJoin); style.miterLimit && attr(svgEl, 'stroke-miterlimit', style.miterLimit); } else { attr(svgEl, 'stroke', NONE); } } /*************************************************** * PATH **************************************************/ function pathDataToString(path) { var str = []; var data =; var dataLength = path.len(); for (var i = 0; i < dataLength;) { var cmd = data[i++]; var cmdStr = ''; var nData = 0; switch (cmd) { case CMD.M: cmdStr = 'M'; nData = 2; break; case CMD.L: cmdStr = 'L'; nData = 2; break; case CMD.Q: cmdStr = 'Q'; nData = 4; break; case CMD.C: cmdStr = 'C'; nData = 6; break; case CMD.A: var cx = data[i++]; var cy = data[i++]; var rx = data[i++]; var ry = data[i++]; var theta = data[i++]; var dTheta = data[i++]; var psi = data[i++]; var clockwise = data[i++]; var dThetaPositive = Math.abs(dTheta); var isCircle = isAroundZero(dThetaPositive - PI2) || (clockwise ? dTheta >= PI2 : -dTheta >= PI2); // Mapping to 0~2PI var unifiedTheta = dTheta > 0 ? dTheta % PI2 : dTheta % PI2 + PI2; var large = false; if (isCircle) { large = true; } else if (isAroundZero(dThetaPositive)) { large = false; } else { large = unifiedTheta >= PI === !!clockwise; } var x0 = round4(cx + rx * mathCos(theta)); var y0 = round4(cy + ry * mathSin(theta)); // It will not draw if start point and end point are exactly the same // We need to shift the end point with a small value // FIXME A better way to draw circle ? if (isCircle) { if (clockwise) { dTheta = PI2 - 1e-4; } else { dTheta = -PI2 + 1e-4; } large = true; if (i === 9) { // Move to (x0, y0) only when CMD.A comes at the // first position of a shape. // For instance, when drawing a ring, CMD.A comes // after CMD.M, so it's unnecessary to move to // (x0, y0). str.push('M', x0, y0); } } var x = round4(cx + rx * mathCos(theta + dTheta)); var y = round4(cy + ry * mathSin(theta + dTheta)); // FIXME Ellipse str.push('A', round4(rx), round4(ry), mathRound(psi * degree), +large, +clockwise, x, y); break; case CMD.Z: cmdStr = 'Z'; break; case CMD.R: var x = round4(data[i++]); var y = round4(data[i++]); var w = round4(data[i++]); var h = round4(data[i++]); str.push('M', x, y, 'L', x + w, y, 'L', x + w, y + h, 'L', x, y + h, 'L', x, y); break; } cmdStr && str.push(cmdStr); for (var j = 0; j < nData; j++) { // PENDING With scale str.push(round4(data[i++])); } } return str.join(' '); } var svgPath = {}; svgPath.brush = function (el) { var style =; var svgEl = el.__svgEl; if (!svgEl) { svgEl = createElement('path'); el.__svgEl = svgEl; } if (!el.path) { el.createPathProxy(); } var path = el.path; if (el.__dirtyPath) { path.beginPath(); path.subPixelOptimize = false; el.buildPath(path, el.shape); el.__dirtyPath = false; var pathStr = pathDataToString(path); if (pathStr.indexOf('NaN') < 0) { // Ignore illegal path, which may happen such in out-of-range // data in Calendar series. attr(svgEl, 'd', pathStr); } } bindStyle(svgEl, style, false, el); setTransform(svgEl, el.transform); if (style.text != null) { svgTextDrawRectText(el, el.getBoundingRect()); } else { removeOldTextNode(el); } }; /*************************************************** * IMAGE **************************************************/ var svgImage = {}; svgImage.brush = function (el) { var style =; var image = style.image; if (image instanceof HTMLImageElement) { var src = image.src; image = src; } if (!image) { return; } var x = style.x || 0; var y = style.y || 0; var dw = style.width; var dh = style.height; var svgEl = el.__svgEl; if (!svgEl) { svgEl = createElement('image'); el.__svgEl = svgEl; } if (image !== el.__imageSrc) { attrXLink(svgEl, 'href', image); // Caching image src el.__imageSrc = image; } attr(svgEl, 'width', dw); attr(svgEl, 'height', dh); attr(svgEl, 'x', x); attr(svgEl, 'y', y); setTransform(svgEl, el.transform); if (style.text != null) { svgTextDrawRectText(el, el.getBoundingRect()); } else { removeOldTextNode(el); } }; /*************************************************** * TEXT **************************************************/ var svgText = {}; var _tmpTextHostRect = new BoundingRect(); var _tmpTextBoxPos = {}; var _tmpTextTransform = []; var TEXT_ALIGN_TO_ANCHRO = { left: 'start', right: 'end', center: 'middle', middle: 'middle' }; /** * @param {module:zrender/Element} el * @param {Object|boolean} [hostRect] {x, y, width, height} * If set false, rect text is not used. */ var svgTextDrawRectText = function (el, hostRect) { var style =; var elTransform = el.transform; var needTransformTextByHostEl = el instanceof Text || style.transformText; el.__dirty && textHelper.normalizeTextStyle(style, true); var text = style.text; // Convert to string text != null && (text += ''); if (!textHelper.needDrawText(text, style)) { return; } // render empty text for svg if no text but need draw text. text == null && (text = ''); // Follow the setting in the canvas renderer, if not transform the // text, transform the hostRect, by which the text is located. if (!needTransformTextByHostEl && elTransform) { _tmpTextHostRect.copy(hostRect); _tmpTextHostRect.applyTransform(elTransform); hostRect = _tmpTextHostRect; } var textSvgEl = el.__textSvgEl; if (!textSvgEl) { textSvgEl = createElement('text'); el.__textSvgEl = textSvgEl; } // style.font has been normalized by `normalizeTextStyle`. var textSvgElStyle =; var font = style.font || textContain.DEFAULT_FONT; var computedFont = textSvgEl.__computedFont; if (font !== textSvgEl.__styleFont) { textSvgElStyle.font = textSvgEl.__styleFont = font; // The computedFont might not be the orginal font if it is illegal font. computedFont = textSvgEl.__computedFont = textSvgElStyle.font; } var textPadding = style.textPadding; var textLineHeight = style.textLineHeight; var contentBlock = el.__textCotentBlock; if (!contentBlock || el.__dirtyText) { contentBlock = el.__textCotentBlock = textContain.parsePlainText(text, computedFont, textPadding, textLineHeight, style.truncate); } var outerHeight = contentBlock.outerHeight; var lineHeight = contentBlock.lineHeight; textHelper.getBoxPosition(_tmpTextBoxPos, el, style, hostRect); var baseX = _tmpTextBoxPos.baseX; var baseY = _tmpTextBoxPos.baseY; var textAlign = _tmpTextBoxPos.textAlign || 'left'; var textVerticalAlign = _tmpTextBoxPos.textVerticalAlign; setTextTransform(textSvgEl, needTransformTextByHostEl, elTransform, style, hostRect, baseX, baseY); var boxY = textContain.adjustTextY(baseY, outerHeight, textVerticalAlign); var textX = baseX; var textY = boxY; // TODO needDrawBg if (textPadding) { textX = getTextXForPadding(baseX, textAlign, textPadding); textY += textPadding[0]; } // `textBaseline` is set as 'middle'. textY += lineHeight / 2; bindStyle(textSvgEl, style, true, el); // FIXME // Add a